From Pakistan Tennis Association
Council Meeting of PTF
The Annual Council Meeting of Pakistan Tennis Federation was held today at S. Dilawar Abbas PTF Tennis Complex, Islamabad, Mr. Salim Saifullah Khan, President of the PTF, chaired the meeting. Syed Dilawar Abbas, Patron PTF, Mr. Iftikhar Rashid, Sr. Executive Vice President, other members of the Management Committee and Representatives of PTF affiliated units attended the meeting.
The House was informed that PTF President and S. Dilawar Abbas, Patron PTF, who is also Sr. Vice President of Asian Tennis Federation, would attend the Annual General Meeting of ATF in Delhi next month.
The PTF, and all affiliated units presented their annual activity reports and forthcoming events’ calendar, for the remaining three months of 2016. Mr. Salim Saifullah Khan announced to that a Best Performance Trophy would be awarded, annually, to the Federating Unit showing best performance during the year in terms of tennis events and development activities, at an annual Function organised for this. It was also conveyed to the house that Pakistan will hold four Asian Tennis Tour men’s professional Tournaments this year, two by Islamabad Tennis Association and two by PTF. Each leg will have Five Thousand US Dollars as prize money as per ATF policies.
The President informed the house that PTF were working hard to raise funds to develop the infrastructure at the S. D. Abbas PTF Complex, both, in the form of new additions, such as a Swimming pool, a state of the art Gymnasium, as well as to renovate and upgrade the existing courts and other facilities. With the changes, the Complex would attract a much greater number of members. It was expected that the finances would be arranged soon
The recent visit of Mr. Suresh Menon , ITF’s Development Officer for Asia, and his recommendations were discussed at length in the meeting, It was decided that one regional Coordinator in Sindh and one at Lahore shall be appointed to further enhance Junior Tennis Initiative in the country.
Secretary PTF, Muhammad Khalid Rehmani, informed the house that PTF has already initiated coach’s education program in the country and conducted PTF Pre-ITF Level One Coaching Course at Karachi and Lahore earlier this year. 63 coaches from all parts of the country took part and 24 passed the exam and earned National Green Badge Coach status. He also informed the House that PTF plans to conduct a national Yellow Badge Umpiring course in October in Islamabad, to groom young umpires for higher ITF Level One & White Badge courses. The payment structure for qualified Umpires & Referees shall also be improved so that new talent may arise and we have a pool of qualified Umpires in the country.
Regarding Davis Cup, as Pakistan will play against Iran in the first week of February, it was unanimously decided to conduct trials to select the team for this tie.
Muhammad Khalid Rehmani
Secretary PTF .